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Wednesday 13 October 2010


ROC E-PULSE SKIN ELECTRO STIMULATION TECHNOLOGY - deliver bioelectricity safely in the form of a topical treatment.

A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to be sent this brand new treatment from the lovely folks at ROC.  At first I was a little dubious that it would work, but after just using once, the texture and feel of my skin felt pretty fantastic, with a softer texture almost like I'd had some intense dermabrasion. I was shocked at how quick I began to see results.

Our beloved skin has a natural electrical current, that run freely from cell to cell. This is when our skin knows when to release more collagen or elastin to support its structure.

The background
As we age, this electrical current within our skin slows down, whether be be due to smoking, drinking, or just every day life. As a direct result of this it takes our bodies longer to identify when more collagen or elastin is needed, which results in loss of skin firmness, wrinkles, and fine lines.

The product
For the past eight years RoC has been researching ways to integrate this current into a cream and the result is the Sublime Energy range which includes an eye cream, £29.99, an SPF moisturiser, £39.99 and a night cream, also £39.99.

The application
Working in a two step process, you first apply the E-Pulse concentrate and then the activating moisturiser. Results are even visible in 3 hours.
This is the perfect gift for any loved one. Go on, go out and get it, now!


  1. wow - thanks for posting this, will defo pick this up for my mommy.

  2. Do you know where i can buy this?? do they sell it in boots?

  3. Hello yes you can buy all the Roc skincare at Boots!!

  4. Thanks Fashion bitches .. im getting my mum all the roc range for xmas...
